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ACB175B - 1.5" X 7.5" Full Color Bookmark
1.5" x 7.5" Full Color Bookmarks
Full-color bookmarks are printed with a full-bleed. Exact PMS colors are not guaranteed using full color digital printing. For exact PMS color matching, call for offset pricing. Metallic or Fluorescent inks are not available. Bookmarks are printed on 10pt C1S coated stock.
100# Gloss Stock - add 15% (recommended for full color both sides)
Email Proof $17.00 (P)
Full-color bookmarks are printed with a full-bleed. Exact PMS colors are not guaranteed using full color digital printing. For exact PMS color matching, call for offset pricing. Metallic or Fluorescent inks are not available. Bookmarks are printed on 10pt C1S coated stock.
Stock Bookmark Pricing
Email Proof $17.00 (P)